
One of the things I look forward to when we go on a road trip to Solvang is stopping by Ostrichland.

For $5 you can spend the afternoon watching ostriches and emus.
For $1 you can get a plate of food to feed them and get a close up look.


The ostriches are the more aggressive of the 2 and will peck each other to get food.  They are also the larger species.
Maggie loves feeding the emus.


Emus seem more civilized when feeding and friendlier.
Ostrichland is located on 33 acres of land.  Lovely view of the Santa Ynez mountains in the distance.
It’s very relaxing and on one trip I noticed an eagle flying overhead.


610 East Highway 246
Solvang, CA 93463
(805) 686-9696

4 Replies to “Ostrichland”

  1. Oh man Pic 1 will give me nightmares. Aren’t there ostrich races – like where people ride them? Great photos of these creatures though! Happy NYE Hungryones !

    1. I have not seen an ostrich race but that sounds fun as they are pretty fast. Thanks! Happy New Years Eve Faye!

  2. I love both the Ostrich and Emu. The Emu’s seem to get along better while eating and take turns. Their low vocal reverberations echo in the wind. It’s quite relaxing.

    1. It was cool watching both types of birds.

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