Rori’s Artisanal Creamery – Carpinteria

Rori’s Artisanal Creamery reminds me of a game show.  I have three choices.

Buy scoops, pints, or a half gallon.  Choosing scoops you get the freshest ice cream at the highest unit cost.  Buying pints or a half gallon seemed a better deal.
I choose 2 pints.

Root Beer float ice cream was creamy with a smooth sweet root beer flavor.
Awesome if you love root beer.
Vanilla Bean had little flecks of vanilla which gave a rich vanilla flavor.
Great tasting vanilla.
2nd visit I bought a half gallon of Root Beer Float ice cream.  There were clues this was a bad move.
The container looked old while the pint containers looked shiny and fresh.  The guy behind the container told me it was $43 and wanted to make sure I still wanted it.  Gave a kind of shocked look when I bought it kinda like I was wading into shark infested waters.
First scoop I noticed the texture was rubbery especially the parts from the edge of the container and the top.  Deeper into the container I found a mixture of somewhat creamy ice cream mixed with ice crystals.  I’ve had this experience before usually in ethnic markets where they don’t put their ice cream on sale to clear out the old stock.  I can still eat it if I scoop away the ice cream at the top and the edges where it’s the most rubbery.
Rori’s Artisanal Creamery has some great tasting ice cream as long as you eat it when fresh.  I’m staying away from the half gallons in the future as I hate walking home sad.
Update 6/21/2019
You learn a lot when the train goes off the rails. Rori reached out to me when she found out I bought an old half gallon of ice cream and made it right. It is quite refreshing the human touch is still alive and well when corporations and machines seem to be taking over everywhere. I look forward to my next road trip along the California coast and eating some root beer ice cream at Rori’s.
4191 Carpinteria Ave Suite 5
Carpinteria, CA 93013
(805) 220-6019

4 Replies to “Rori’s Artisanal Creamery – Carpinteria”

  1. Sorry your root beer ice cream was not so wonderful. Guess their half gallons sit around too long. Their peanut butter ice cream was super creamy and delicious. I’d have it again.

    1. I’m buying pints next time.

  2. Brian Parent says: Reply

    Wow, Rori’s is spendy! Definitely not the place for the price conscious.

    1. It’s priced comparably with other newer scoop shops I’ve visited. You have to visit scoop shops that have been in business decades and own the land to get deals.

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