Iphone 15 Pro Max


4 Replies to “Iphone 15 Pro Max”

  1. Nice picture of the moon!

  2. Thanks! This is the first Iphone I’ve been able to get a decent moon photo with.

  3. Very cool to have the latest phone! I’m on a iPhone 13 mini. so I still lug the DLSR around lol. I remember using the Apple Classic in school in the 90’s, followed by my very own Mac Performa at home, which replaced a Smith Corona typewriter. Eventually came the internet, and I’d tap into the phone line for a whopping 56 kbps while everybody would yell at me to get off the dial-up so they could use the phone. Ah, memories.

    For some more Apple inspiration here’s a version of the famous Think Different commercial narrated by Steve Jobs himself:

  4. Thanks!  That’s great you still use your DLSR!  The biggest prints I make are 8×10 so the Iphone is good enough.  Once in awhile I do miss the velvety smooth images…

    Yes I used the Classic at school and at Kinko’s when I needed to print stuff on the laser printer.  I remember using the modem as well when I needed to log in to my unix account to do school work or putter around making websites.

    Thanks for the Steve Jobs link!

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