Mayflower Dog Park

3420 Valley Center Road Escondido, CA  92027

While searching for a dog park with grass, (you’d think this would be easy to find) I discovered that one of my friends had recently wrote about this one! So I packed my furry friend in the car one day and off we went. 


The three separate fenced off areas adjacent to each other have signs indicating suggested dog size for each. But first you have to enter by the main gate which leads you down a long sidewalk. I picked the last gate for large dogs. For some reason the water valve was not working. Thankfully I brought my own water pitcher for my dog. There is approximately 75 percent grass coverage which I love but also large dirt patches. Benches are located throughout the park. 

The fourth fenced off area is on the far side of the parking lot. The grass is pristine (not pictured) with no dirt patches anywhere to be found. I was super excited when I saw what looked like dog exercise equipment. Only to be let down by the sign declaring it for certain dog training personal only.

Now why can’t they keep the grass looking like this for the rest of the park? Perhaps my expectations are too high.



2 Replies to “Mayflower Dog Park”

  1. Nice dog park. You should go everyday!

  2. It is pretty!

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