Bookstar – Costa Verde Center


I remember when Bookstar was new and shiny.  This mall opened in 1989.  My kid looked forward to visiting every Saturday when they had storytime.  Storytime was awesome.  Someone would come to read a children’s book and usually someone would dress up as a character from the book.  Afterwards everyone got a cookie and maybe a sticker.

The kids would get to have their photo taken with the character and get to keep the Polaroid photo.  Those were the glory days.


Now the mall is falling on hard times with many of the stores empty.  It appears the mall will be redeveloped into something shiny and fancy like UTC across the street.


I will miss Bookstar.  I like the fresh scent of books.  When shopping for children’s books I like looking at the art and reading a few pages.  When the end comes I’ll be in the garage with my old books.


Maybe I’ll take a look at those old Polaroids from storytime.  That’s what remains of the past.  Memories and old photos.

I remember I met Maggie for the first time in front of Bookstar one brisk evening and we have been together ever since.

Zack Allan:  Quarter of a million people, coming and going every day for twenty-five years. Every part of this station has somebody’s fingerprints on it. Layers and layers, people’s lives. There were times… I thought none of us would get out alive. Some of us didn’t. But, we did everything we said we were gonna do, and nobody can take that away from us, or this place.”

Babylon 5 – J. Michael Straczynski


8650 Genesee Ave Suite 230
San Diego, CA 92122
(858) 457-7561

6 Replies to “Bookstar – Costa Verde Center”

  1. Yes I remember when we first met, you had sunflowers for me! It’s sad they are chasing out all the businesses in this center. I’ll miss this bookstore and many others.

    1. You have a great memory!

  2. How sad to see the closure of this center with so many memories for you. 😢

    1. It’s a bit like Vegas how they are tearing down the old stuff to build something new and fancy.

  3. Thanks for sharing your memories. I share your sadness – this was our bookstore since my kid could read. It is painful and I will miss it. Thanks to the owners and staff at Bookstar Costa Verde who made it such a great place to hang out, for offering such a great service to the community, and creating great memories.

    1. You are welcome! Thank you for sharing your memories as well!

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