The Magical, Magnificent, Miraculous Amaryllis journey / The Dreaming / Chapter 3

A knock on the door in the middle of the night, hushed voices growing louder, then silence as the door closes. The little girl slowly falls back asleep, not realizing how soon her life would change.


Suddenly she’s awakened by her aunt arguing with her drunk estranged husband by the bedroom door. He wants to come in presumably to sleep, but her aunt resists. The drunk man hands clasped down on his knees begs to be let in, finally the aunt relents and let’s him in.

Events unfolding after this become a bit fuzzy for the girl as she falls back asleep.


Slowly the girl awakens to a warm body attached to her backside. At first the girl assumes it’s her aunt, in the next few seconds she is proven wrong as the stranger starts to whisper in her ear and run his hands all over her pajamas. Immediately she realizes who this horribly smelly adult man is and hopes he has made a grave mistake about whom he assumes she is. Innocently she whispers to the man telling him her name, thinking he will stop. He does not.


The girl becomes so terrified her body becomes temporarily paralyzed and try as she might to scream absolutely nothing will come out. Frantically she starts to think about how to get out of this predicament without actually being raped.

All the girls energy is focused on trying to move even one inch, trying to scream out so somebody else in the house will hear and come help.


After what seems like an eternity, suddenly a strength surrounds her, making her feel safe, speaking to her calmly, releasing her paralysis and restoring her voice. Time stops as light fills the room, freezing the mans advances.

Suddenly her feet plop onto the floor, body moves into a fetal position at the foot of the bed. Rocking, rocking herself in a ball of feathers. She tries to stand and floats out of the room and down the hall to safety. The girls younger brother awakened by the light, watches wide eyed as a beautiful green eyed angel passes by, lightly brushing his cheek, filling him with love, hope and peace as he drifts back to sleep.


The drunken man comes to the next afternoon alone on the beach in a bed of seaweed filled with sand fleas, biting every inch of his badly sunburned skin. He can’t stop screaming from the pain, paralyzed from dehydration, nobody hears him.


Upon waking the girl feels different, stronger somehow. Looking down she sees numerous beautiful chestnut colored feathers, inside one is something small and shiny. Drawn to this shard, she picks it up and put’s it in her pocket. The shard is happy and glows with renewed purpose. It has found a new host.

Original book written by Maggie. Stay tuned for Chapter 4 coming soon.

Chapter One & Chapter 2.

6 Replies to “The Magical, Magnificent, Miraculous Amaryllis journey / The Dreaming / Chapter 3”

  1. Interesting juxtaposition of words and images. I like the rain covered leaves and petals.

    1. Why thank you. My ongoing story, maybe someday I’ll finish it. :>)

      1. You should add links to all the chapters so people can easily pick up the story.

        1. Good idea.

  2. Wow!! Just in time for Christmas!!
    Next it’s NETFLIX!!
    Merry Christmas and have a great

    1. Now that would be awesome! Thanks it’s going to be fun!

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